We are very proud of our broad and ambitious curriculum which supports a strong impact on all pupils’ learning. Click below for an overview of the topics we study at Ongar:
- Early Years Curriculum at Ongar Place
- The EYFS, KS1 and KS2 Curriculum at Ongar Place
- PSHE curriculum
- Diversity and Inclusion across the curriculum at Ongar Place
- Book Spine
Following lockdowns and closures in 2020 and 2021 we are still adapting our curriculum across the school to ensure that children are ready for the next stage of education.
The curriculum at Ongar Place was developed with reference to the National Curriculum 2014 and is carefully sequenced so that progression is ensured by building on previous learning. We carefully review what the impact of the taught curriculum is and consider why it is like that in terms of our intention, ambition, implementation and rigour. We ensure activities and expectations are appropriate for each year group. We build on the children’s local context and experience to ensure the learning is relevant to their needs and interests. Children positively engage with the learning in the classroom and beyond and the impact of the curriculum is monitored carefully. Children make progress across the curriculum and often extend their learning further at home. The curriculum design ensures that English and maths knowledge and skills are addressed through a variety of curriculum areas.
The aims of the National Curriculum 2014 are to:
- Provide pupils with an introduction to the essential knowledge that they need to be educated citizens.
- Introduce pupils to the best that has been thought and said.
- Help engender an appreciation of human creativity and achievement.
The National Curriculum as laid out by the government can be found here:
The National Curriculum 2014 consists of 10 statutory subjects for Key Stage 1 and 2:
Key Stage 2 also have the addition of ‘Languages’ – at Ongar we currently focus on French.
We also ensure that Personal, Social and Health Education are taught throughout the school and we follow Surrey’s agreed RE syllabus. We actively promote tolerance and respect of others and the values of democracy, law and liberty through the effective social, moral, spiritual and cultural development of our children. All children are encouraged to become autonomous and motivated learners.
However, the National Curriculum is just one element of the education of children at Ongar. Our aim is to provide a broad and balanced curriculum which enriches and supports learning and which creatively and actively involves the children. Alongside progress and achievement, we wish to promote excellence in learning and provide memorable moments. We do this by ensuring the school curriculum provides challenge, excitement and enjoyment and meets the needs of all our learners; preparing them well for a successful future and ensuring they have an unforgettable present.
If you have any further questions or queries about the curriculum at Ongar please don’t hesitate to contact us.