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Classes and Learning

Our school is organised into three phases:

Foundation Stage (4-5 year olds)

Key Stage 1 (5-7 year olds)

Key Stage 2 (7-11year olds)


In our Foundation Stage class the teaching and learning is creative, fun and challenging. The environment is rich in opportunities to motivate and inspire children to develop and learn effectively.


In Key Stage 1 we build on the exciting learning experiences that the children have had in the Foundation Stage. In line with the requirements of Government, pupils in Key Stage 1 follow the National Curriculum when they have achieved all the Early Learning Goals. We recognise the importance of a smooth transition from the Foundation Stage into Year 1 and the class teachers liaise closely to ensure that the children feel secure and happy in their stimulating and well-resourced learning environment.

Towards the end of Key Stage 1 the children visit the Year 3 class in preparation for the transition into Key Stage 2. This prepares the children to tackle new challenges confidently as they move along their learning journey.


In Key Stage 2 creativity and high achievement for all are at the heart of our curriculum. We provide a curriculum that is exciting, broad and inspiring, in an environment that promotes high quality learning. Lessons meet the needs of all learners and are designed to challenge all children to succeed to their full potential. We follow the National Curriculum programmes of study for all subjects and review our curriculum each year to ensure that it relevant to our modern learners.